Sunday, August 19, 2007

Dissecting Table - Ultimate Psychological Description 7"

Starting things off with a rare one here. This is Dissecting Table's first release on his own UPD label. Very much in the style of early spk/white hospital, combining elements of horror soundtracks like screaming and a baseline you could stalk prey to, with live percussion, metal clanging, and Ichiro's violent incoherent (to these western ears) ranting.

Download Here


Unknown said...

It's hard but GOOOOOOD !

MUHMOOD said...

Hey, great blogs you have, but i am having a hard time with this massmirror links - don't have a clue how to download from there, could you help?

JIM HAYES said...

wow this blog is old! i always heard good things about Dissecting Table like thirty years ago, i wonder what they sound like. The Hunting Lodge stuff is great.